Category Archives: Game Development

Dropped Items

Still out here working on the game. Been trying to finish up the dropped items feature. I want a player to be able to drop an item, so someone else can pick it up. Or, if it sits around too … Continue reading

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Game Polish

Been making some improvements to the game lately. For one thing, the relative mouse movements that are generated by the engine’s input routines are a lot smoother than ever before. When the mouse is moving slow you have smooth per-pixel … Continue reading

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Servers Online

The file server is now sending out new game updates! Contact me if you would like a new setup program. If you choose to use your current Launcher to get the updates, then be prepared to update over 2,000 files.

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A Few Game Updates

Finally finished the hot key toolbar. It’s working nicely. Also, your avatar can now give something to the Town Crier if you want to get rid of it. Right now, I’m working on the ability to drop items on the … Continue reading

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Happy New Year

Let’s all have a great 2024! I’m looking forward to this year. Great progress is being made on the game. I hope to have a new demo ready soon!

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Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone had a great year. I’m looking forward to continuing to work on the game next year! I’m almost finished implementing the hot key toolbar. This makes it so much easier to cast spells, switch weapons, drink potions, … Continue reading

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Spell System

Still working on all of the spell mechanics. New avatar items have been created for each of the spells that can be individually spawned. Still trying to decide where to put the level 1 spells, like in a random chest … Continue reading

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Casting Spells

You can cast spells now, it’s pretty cool! Working on some particle systems for the various types of magic. Hopefully I’ll be working on the war magic hit points soon.

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New List Box Control

Finally added a list box to the engine’s 2D control library. This was needed for the Spell Book dialog in the game, so spells can be easily selected. Things are still moving along great with the spell system!

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Skills and Spells

I’ve been working on the skill system. The calculations are currently used for the run speed, weapon speed, armor, and hit points. I decided that before I finish the ability to fight, I’ll get the spell system under way too. … Continue reading

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