Searching For Game Bugs

I decided to work on the game for a little bit, for a change of pace.  I added a few new beta testers the other day.  While watching the logs, I noticed some issues with the chat server that were kind of weird.  I’m trying to track down a nagging little bug that I’ve just ignored for a while.  I also discovered that if an error message is displayed, you have to Alt+Tab to dismiss it when running in full screen mode.  So when a fatal error like this is displayed, I need to make sure that the full screen game window is closed first.

Anyway, I still need to finish the mesh skinning code that I’m going to use to render the avatars and monsters.  I think I just need a short break from it, then it will be easier to finish.

About Eric DeBrosse

Lead developer of the Orion Engine.
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