Effect System Fallbacks

I made some changes to the .fx effect file importer for the world builder.  Not only can it promote 1.x shaders to version 2.0, it can also automatically compile the legacy 1.x shaders and include them in the effect file as well.  This way if the effect system detects that it’s running on legacy hardware, then the older less optimized shaders can be selected.  Of course, newer shader models can also be included in the effect file.  The best available effect implementation will be chosen, based on the hardware that the engine is currently running on.

I also updated the material editor in the world builder to reflect the changes that were recently made to the effect system.  There is a small bug that was introduced with these new changes that I would like to locate and fix before I move on.

About Eric DeBrosse

Lead developer of the Orion Engine.
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