I’ve been playing around with a new theme for my blog page. I think the new look is pretty cool. Nonetheless, variety is good. You never know, I might just keep changing the appearance around, to keep it fresh!
There have not been very many engine updates to talk about lately. I’ve just been extremely busy working on the effect system still. In fact, I work on the Orion Engine nearly every day. I need to be careful though, so I don’t burn myself out. I should take a short break soon. Anyway, I’ve been doing some simple shader code testing, and a lot of reading, to make sure I’m still implementing things the right way. I ended up having to scrap some code a couple of times and start over. I was simply heading in the wrong direction. It’s no big deal. This is just an inevitable part of the design process. You simply can’t foresee every possible scenario in advance. Luckily, I think I am back on track now, and heading in the right direction again.